Christ Lutheran Celebrates Pastor’s Ordination

From left are the  Rev. Amy Godshall-Miller, pastor, Christ Lutheran Church, and Debbie Brubaker, Christ Lutheran church council president.

DUBOIS – The congregation of Christ Lutheran Church, DuBois, recognized the Rev. Amy Godshall-Miller’s 35th anniversary of her ordination.

Pastor Amy was honored with a pie social in Christ Lutheran’s Fellowship Hall following the 9:45 a.m. service on July 14.

Debbie Brubaker, president of Christ Lutheran’s church ouncil, presented Godshall-Miller with a gift basket and the traditional choir performed an anthem.

Godshall-Miller is a graduate of Gettysburg College and the Lutheran Seminary at Gettysburg. She was ordained in 1989. She specializes in ministry to families.

Over the years, she has nurtured children in the faith, led engaging and dynamic confirmation programs and led hundreds of teenagers on mission trips throughout the northeast.

Equipping parents as partners in raising children and youth in the faith is one of her passions. She also loves preaching and leading God’s people in worship each Sunday. She is co-pastor of Christ Lutheran with her husband, John Miller.

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