Grampian Lions Club to Host Annual Children’s Easter Egg Hunt

GRAMPIAN – The Grampian Lions Club will host its annual children’s Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 1, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 

The hunt will be held at the Grampian Cen-Clear Center, and all local children are welcome. All activities will be held outdoors.

Children will walk to various Easter-themed stations to receive items. The “walk-thru” will be followed by an egg hunt.

All participating children will receive a large Easter bag to collect their goodies. The Easter Bunny will be attending this special day, as well.

All children will receive a craft kit, cookies, chips and drink. Two pinatas (with candy) will be raffled off.

Children will have the opportunity to take a free chance on the pinata of their choice.

The egg hunt includes 3,000 candy-filled eggs, 50 prize eggs and eight special prize eggs. Children will be permitted to find a maximum of 10 eggs each.

Allergy-free baskets will be available.

Please come and enjoy this fun, family event.

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