Clearfield- Clearfield Borough members discussed upcoming tours at Thursday night’s council meeting.
Borough Fire Chief Andrew Smith would like Borough residents to know that Santa will be visiting the borough on Saturday, December 17th. Santa will be leaving the fire station around 6pm. Residents that live on the side streets are encouraged to make it to their nearest main streets to see Santa. The Reindeer Patrol will be out this Sunday from 1pm to 4pm. Residents are asked to keep an eye on the Borough’s Facebook page for further updates.Â
Wreaths Across America will also be in town on Saturday, December 17th. Residents are encouraged to take their time traveling around town that morning especially near the area of the American Legion and St. Francis school. Traffic control will be provided for the Wreaths Across America event that morning.
Nicole Norris was sworn in at the Clearfield Borough meeting as fourth ward council member.
A motion was made and carried to rehire Carol Turner as a part time secretary for the Borough police department.
The council members also motioned and approved to increase the starting rate for all part time patrol officers to be ninety percent of the full time patrol officers’ rate. Council members also agreed to purchase 2 bullet proof vests from Pittsburgh Public Safety for $2,259.96.
The Borough council will be opening bids at next week’s meeting for the demolition of 500 Turnpike Avenue. The Borough will also be sending out the final notice for Mechanical Device Fees.
Todd Kling, informed the Borough that the Street Department reached out to the Pennsylvania Game Commission about a nuisance beaver issue around the river banks. So far the game commission has relocated one beaver and is monitoring the situation.Â