CLEARFIELD – The Redevelopment Authority of Clearfield County is currently accepting applications for utility and fuel assistance on behalf of Clearfield Borough and Lawrence Township.
This program is designed to assist individuals and families residing in Clearfield Borough and Lawrence Township that have or are experiencing a financial setback due to COVID-19.
With the fall season and colder weather, this fuel assistance is intended to offset the cost of heating expenses for eligible households.
If you qualify, this program can help provide financial assistance with up to three months of your utility arrearages, a minimum order of your heating fuel source for those not eligible for fuel assistance or both if they fall within the same three-month period.
Utilities and fuel sources include: electric, gas, water, sewer, natural gas, fuel oil, kerosene, wood, coal, gas and possibly broadband.
Due to the funding of this program, families that receive the State Low Income Heating Energy Assistance Program are not eligible.
Household Income Guidelines
- Family size of 1 = $40,800;
- Family size of 2 = $46,600;
- Family size of 3 = $52,450;
- Family size of 4 = $58,250;
- Family size of 5 = $62,950;
- Family size of 6 = $67,600;
- Family size of 7 = $72,250; and
- Family size of 8 = $76,900
Contact Amanda Davis with the Redevelopment Authority of Clearfield County at 814-765-5149 to begin an application today.
Funding is made available through the Community Development Block Grant CARES Act COVID-19 relief funds of Clearfield Borough and Lawrence Township.