CLEARFIELD – Most of Clearfield County’s non-union salaried employees will be receiving another pay raise this year.
During Tuesday’s Salary Board meeting, the board voted, 3-1, to approve $3,500 pay raises for most of the county’s non-union salaried employees, effective July 23.
These pay raises were in response to those recently given when the county reopened contracts with its Children & Youth Services, Probation, court-related, court-appointed and residual employee unions.
“Fair is fair,” commented Commissioner Dave Glass, with Commissioner Tim Winters, adding that the county had encountered some situations where employee salaries were up against those in management—and in some cases with overtime—even surpassing them.
Glass said those holding supervisory positions in CYS will not be included in these pay raises as they were addressed previously.
Commissioner John A. Sobel opposed to maintain a consistent voting record, noting he had opposed the employee pay raises each time the county reopened a union contract.
In December he said most non-union salaried employees received 8-percent raises for 2024, and now just six or seven months later, most will essentially receive another significant raise.
“I just don’t think that’s fair,” Sobel said, and county government needs to reflect the community it represents, and most county residents aren’t receiving an 8-percent raise at the start of the year, and then probably another 5- to 7-percent raise mid-year.
During the commissioners’ meeting that followed on Tuesday, the commissioners approved changes to the county’s non-union health insurance premiums and deductibles for new hires, effective Aug. 1.
All new employees will have a $750 individual and $1,500 family deductible, and their premium contribution will be two times the current members’ contribution.
There is no change for existing employees, and these health insurance changes were made to mirror those in the county’s recently-extended union contracts.
The commissioners also approved:
- changes to vacation time for 0-2 years of service for non-union employees, raising it from six to 12 days per year, or one vacation day per month.
- raising daily meal allowance for business travel from $28/day to $40/day.