Wildlife Food Plot Seminar Coming Up March 9 in Philipsburg

WEST DECATUR – Mitchell Milling, located at 5876 Old Erie Pike in West Decatur, has served the community since 1972 as a family-owned business.

“Not only are we committed to providing top-quality feed, lawn tractors and lawn and garden items, but we are pleased to also sponsor our annual Wildlife Food Plot Seminar each spring. This year we will hold our free Seminar at the Philipsburg Elks Lodge & Country Club on March 9, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., with doors opening that morning at 9 a.m.,” according to Bill Dickson, owner.

There will be light refreshments available from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m., as well as sign-ups for door prizes and informational items offered, including the opportunity to purchase soil testing kits.

Mitchell Milling brings in top experts to discuss soil sampling, the benefits of short-term and long-term planning of food plots, what types of seeds are available and will work best based on soil and how to maximize the minerals and nutrients that can positively affect deer herds.

In addition, there is also discussion regarding eliminating nuisance plants to better encourage growth of more healthy and beneficial planting in spring and fall.

“Wildlife food plots provide not only nourishment, but also ground cover protection in some cases. Food plots help prevent soil erosion and provide greater wildlife benefits by offering corn, wheat or other nutrients based on what grows best in the soil in your area,” stated Dickson.

“Throughout the years, we have had individuals from multiple counties throughout the area come to the seminars and benefit from the expert advice and opportunity to meet other individuals who share the interest in developing healthy food plots,” per Dickson.

“This year, we are seeing even more new people RSVP for the event and are encouraged to see the interest in food plot development.”

For additional information or to RSVP for the event, individuals can message the Mitchell Milling Facebook page or call and leave a message with the number of individuals interesting in attending by calling 814-342-7131.

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