CLEARFIELD – The Lawrence Township board of supervisors on Tuesday provided an update on their search for a township manager.
It was reported that there was one application submitted for a township manager position. The supervisors voted to reach out to the candidate and offer an interview.
The ad ran on Indeed as well as in local media, from Oct. 10 to Nov. 4. Discussion to resubmit the ad was tabled until they have spoken with the candidate.
Also, on Tuesday, Assistant Clearfield Regional Police Chief Julie Curry reported there were over 800 incidents handled by the department for the month of October, which ranged from DUIs, to drug arrests, to traffic stops as well as traffic accidents.
Curry also reported that she was working on a couple of grants, one of which is to expand the police department portion of the township building and possibly add a garage.
The supervisors subsequently voted to adopt a resolution for the grants.
Curry mentioned that since the weather is changing, residents of Lawrence Township should be aware of Snow Removal Ordinance 119-6.
It states: “It shall be unlawful to park a vehicle on any road, street and public right-of-way in the Township of Lawrence between Nov. 15 and the following April 1.”
This ordinance not only helps emergency vehicles travel Lawrence Township roads safely during winter weather conditions, but also helps with making it easier for the road crew to plow.
Curry also submitted a copy of the Clearfield Regional Police Department budget for the year.
The budget was accepted for consideration by the supervisors, meaning it will be reviewed and considered once the township’s budget is set.
Ron Porter with the Rec Park board reported that with the help of the supervisors, the park has done relatively well this year.
He also reported that the board was able to obtain a $3,000 grant that will go towards park benches.
The township also obtained a Bare Root Tree Grant, which will allow the board to plant about 12 bare root trees. Areas of the dog park and the back side of the ball field are going to be considered.
There were three winter material bids submitted by Woodland Equipment, Glenn O. Hawbaker and Bucktail Excavators Inc. for anti-skid and limestone.
Bucktail Excavators Inc. won the bid with $23.97 per unit for 6S anti-skid and $25.47 per unit for 67 limestone.