CLEARFIELD – Code Enforcement Officer Andrea Stewart gave an update on Knox boxes for local businesses Thursday night at Clearfield Borough’s committee meeting.
A Knox box is typically required of a new building that is being constructed. It usually consists of the site plan for the building as well as a master key(s) that allow access into that building in an emergency by local emergency services.
An ordinance is being drafted to have the older buildings with businesses be required to be retrofitted with Knox boxes.
There was also a recommendation brought before council regarding the Clearfield County Fair & Park Board’s requested extension of 25 years to the current management agreement to be granted upon the same terms and conditions as the current agreement.
Fire Chief Andrew Smith reported that the flash over training, which the fire department participated in, was a great learning experience.
Smith also reported that the ladder truck received some damage when the fire department responded to call last month in Grampian, but he assured council that the damage will be repaired in a timely manner.
Todd Kling with the Street Department reported that the borough has received two balers for the ongoing recycling project.
The idea is to have the facility, at 229 Power Ave., up and running in the next couple of months, according to Council President Stephanie Tarbay.
For the moment, the recycling center takes newspaper, cardboard and aluminum, and some restrictions will be enforced for the time being when it comes to such items like magazines, notebook paper and glass.
Residents are encouraged to be mindful when using the facilities as well as being aware of the signage on the premises.
The goal is to have it fenced off and secure with plenty of light and security cameras, plus key card access for borough residents.
The balers and future purchases of bins and containers for the recyclables are thanks to a 902 Grant that the borough received for recycling center upgrades.