CLEARFIELD – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation(PennDOT) and the Highway Safety Network (HSN) recently celebrated “Love the Bus,” a program highlighting the importance of school bus drivers in education, at Clearfield Elementary School.
“Bus drivers deserve all the thanks in the world for getting our kids to and from school safely throughout the school year,” said School Resource Officer Levi Olson.
“As we offer them our thanks, we also want to offer a reminder that safety is everyone’s responsibility and be sure other drivers know what they need to do when they come upon a school bus during their morning commute.”
During the program, first-grade students at the elementary school received valentines to give their bus drivers. Josh Woods, HSN Community Traffic Safety Program Coordinator, and Tim Nebgen, PennDOT Safety Press Officer, gave them tips for staying safe while on or near a bus:
- Get to the school bus stop five minutes early so you won’t have to run across the road to catch the bus.
- When waiting for the bus, stay away from traffic and line up at least five giant steps away from the curb.
- Never run after the school bus if it has already left the bus stop.
- Never push when getting on or off the school bus.
- Always walk at least 10 feet in front of the bus when crossing so that the school bus driver can see you.
- When the school bus is moving, always stay in your seat. Never put your head, arms, or hands out the window.
- Never play with the emergency exits. Backpacks, band instruments, or sports equipment may not block the aisle or emergency exits. If there is an emergency, listen to the driver and follow instructions.
- Never cross the street behind the school bus.
Woods and Nebgen also reminded motorists the School Bus Stopping Law requires they stop at least 10 feet away from buses with their red lights flashing and stop arm extended.
Motorists meeting or overtaking a stopped bus or approaching an intersection where a bus is stopped must stop until the red lights have stopped flashing, the stop arm is withdrawn, and all children have reached safety.
If a physical barrier such as a grassy median, guide rail or concrete median separates oncoming traffic from the bus, motorists in the opposing lanes may proceed without stopping.
For more information on school bus safety, visit
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