GLEN RICHEY – The Glen Richey Fireman’s Recreation Park recently received $3,000 in grant funding from the Clearfield County Charitable Foundation to complete the installation of new playground equipment at the park.
Further, $1,500 of the funding came from the Kurtz Clearfield, Curwensville, Lawrence Township Fund that was established by Robert and Marilyn Kurtz to assist in community improvement and recreation projects in the three named municipalities.
In accepting the grant, Kathy Collins said, “The committee continues to make improvements to the Rec Park because so many children and young people, not only from the Glen Richey community, but from surrounding areas utilize the facility.
“There are softball games almost every evening and weekends here. The playground itself sees heavy use by the kids and the entire grounds is used for walking and exercising by people of all ages.”
Rodney Collins noted, “We were able to order the new equipment and got a great price on everything, but it needed to be properly and safely installed.
“With the grant funding from the Charitable Foundation, we were able to bring in a firm to assemble and install the equipment meeting all safety requirements.
“They used cement to properly secure the equipment and put down a base of wood chips so the kids will be safe.”
Roger Mays said, “This equipment will be here for many years for the community to use and enjoy. We appreciate the support from the Charitable Foundation.”
Charitable Foundation Executive Director Mark McCracken said, “The CCCF Grant Committee ranked the Glen Richey Fireman’s Recreation Park project very high in the list of grant requests last year, and, because of the funds specifically available from the Kurtz Clearfield, Curwensville and Lawrence Township Fund, the Charitable Foundation was able to fully fund the grant amount requested.”
There is additional significance in the funding from the Kurtz CCL Fund because the Kurtz family has a long history of supporting and funding community playgrounds throughout the greater Clearfield area.
McCracken added, “I’m sure this is the type of project Bob and Marilyn Kurtz had in mind when they set up the Kurtz CCL Fund.”
McCracken also reports the Charitable Foundation’s 2022 grant cycle will be opening in August and the Charitable Foundation Board is excited to announce that a new online grant application system will be up and running for the 2022 grant cycle.
Further information will be announced in late July about how organizations can utilize the online system to file their 2022 grant application requests.