You need to drink water, even if you’re tired of it. Here are a few easy ways to make water taste better so that drinking it is more enjoyable.
We all need to drink water. But do you drink water because you enjoy it, or purely out of necessity? If you find yourself bored with the taste of your drinking water, experiment with these ways to make water taste better to make the experience more enjoyable.
Add Some Juice
One of the main complaints many people have about drinking water is that it doesn’t have a very exciting or easily noticeable flavor. But all it takes to remedy this is the addition of a little juice! Lemon, lime, orange, and other citrus juices are all popular, healthy, and readily available options. When you add fruit juice to your water, you’ll also reap the benefits of the added vitamins and nutrients fruit has to offer.
Infuse It With Fruit
Alternatively, you can add fresh fruit directly into your water. To allow more of its flavor to seep in, put the fruit in an infuser and leave it to soak in your water overnight. You can use practically any fruit you want—strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, citrus fruits, and even cucumber!
Flavor Your Ice Cubes
Create flavorful ice cubes to switch things up every once in a while. Freeze either juice or chunks of the fruit itself into your cubes. If you want an even higher concentration of fruit in your drink, try using a base of fruit puree for your cubes rather than water.
Carbonate It
Still water is the most accessible type, but it’s not everyone’s favorite—some people prefer the texture of sparkling water. If you fall into this category, try drinking mineral water or seltzer in place of still water. To jazz it up even more, add some flavor or try some store-bought flavored seltzer. If you discover that carbonated water is your thing, you can also buy a seltzer maker to create your own bubbling beverages at home.
Drink Filtered Water
Do you drink water from the tap and absolutely detest its flavor? If so, a possible solution is to add a water filtration system to your home. A good filtration system will not only remove any minerals or chemicals that make your water taste bad, but it will also remove any potentially harmful substances from your water. When you have a filtered water system, you’ll always have good-tasting, healthy water to drink.
Ready to try one of these ways to make water taste better? Find a method of improving water that you love, and it will transform the day-to-day chore of hydrating yourself into something you look forward to doing.