Clearfield Man Pleads Guilty in Pornography Case

CLEARFIELD – A Clearfield man accused of sending a video of a sex act via Facebook pleaded guilty Monday during plea and sentencing court.

Police say they received a tip from the Facebook Records Department that indicated Patrick Daniel Luzier, 32, sent the video via Facebook Messenger to the 16-year-old victim who was in the clip on, March 16, 2019.

The video contained footage of a man, later identified as Luzier, and the girl as they were involved in a sex act, according to the affidavit.

In an interview with police, the victim said Luzier “sweet talked” her into performing the sex act but she had consented. However, she did not consent to him filming the encounter, and reportedly did not know there was a video until he sent it to her.

Luzier told investigators that his Facebook account had been hacked several times and he kept making new profiles. He reportedly denied having sexual contact with the girl but said she was around him while he was drinking.

After watching the video, he claimed it was her idea to record it, according to the complaint. A search of his phone did not uncover any additional videos of a similar nature.

Prior to sentencing, Luzier’s attorney Steven Johnston stated that Luzier recognizes his mistake and that this was his only real encounter with the law since he was a juvenile.

He also pointed out that he only sent the video in a private message and did not publish it publicly or give anyone else access to it.

Luzier pleaded guilty to felony counts of photograph/film/depict on computer a sex act, dissemination photo/film of child sex acts, and child pornography as well as misdemeanor corruption of minors.

President Judge Fredric J. Ammerman sentenced him to 11 ½ months to two years less one day in the county jail with one-year consecutive probation.

He must also register his address with law enforcement under Megan’s Law and is not to have any unsupervised contact with any female under the age of 18.

It was noted that he was evaluated and not found to be a sexually violent predator.

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