Lucy Roop is one of eight 2019 Miracle Kids representing Geisinger Janet Weis Children’s Hospital
PORT MATILDA – At 3 years old, Lucy spiked continuous high fevers with no real explanation for their cause.
After she complained about shoulder pain, her doctor ordered blood work, which showed an extremely low white blood cell count.
She was sent to Geisinger Janet Weis Children’s Hospital to be seen by hematology/oncology specialists. Further testing found that Lucy had leukemia.
Her treatment began immediately and continued for more than two years. Now, more than three years later, Lucy is cancer-free and is a kind-hearted little girl with her eye on the future.
Donations to Geisinger Janet Weis Children’s Hospital helped to provide the Pediatric Sedation Suite, where Lucy underwent many procedures during her long battle to beat cancer.
Make a donation online at geisinger.org/cmn or by calling 1-800-322-5437.
You can take part on June 1-2 for Celebrating Miracles Weekend at DelGrosso’s Amusement Park, Tipton.
Tune in to WTAJ, Altoona/State College from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m., Sunday, June 2 to learn more about our 2019 Miracle Kids.
Sign up for Celebrating Miracles Weekend events at go.geisinger.org/cmnevents.
For more information on Lucy or any of the 2019 Miracle Kids or for more information about upcoming events, please contact Mike McMullen at the above contact information.
About Children’s Miracle Network at Geisinger
Children’s Miracle Network at Geisinger helps make miracles happen every day at Janet Weis Children’s Hospital, Geisinger Wyoming Valley, and more than 40 medical groups and pediatric specialty outreach clinics.
A nonprofit organization, it has raised more than $64 million for pediatric services, equipment and programs throughout Geisinger Health System since 1984.
For more information on Children’s Miracle Network at Geisinger, call 1-800-322-5437 or 570-271-6188, or visit www.geisinger.org/cmn.