CLEARFIELD – A Clearfield man charged in five cases with offenses including aggravated assault by vehicle while driving under the influence was sentenced Tuesday during plea and sentencing court.
Jonathan Taylor Maines, 20, currently an inmate of state prison, was sentenced by President Judge Fredric J. Ammerman to an additional two to four years in prison.
According to the affidavit in the aggravated assault case, police saw a suspicious vehicle parked at the Sheetz store in Lawrence Township.
Later while patrolling, the officers saw it again, speeding near River Road. The officers did a U-turn and tried to catch up with it.
The vehicle continued to speed at about 60 miles per hour through residential areas until a traffic stop was initiated in the area of Patton Street and Kerr Avenue.
As an officer approached, the passenger tried to get out. He was ordered to get back in the vehicle.
When the officer tried to open the driver side door, the driver sped off and another chase began with speeds approaching 70 mph.
Eventually the vehicle was found to have crashed and rolled over on High Level Road.
The front seat passenger, identified as Michael Wells, had been ejected and was severely bleeding. Wells had five active warrants.
The driver, Maines, appeared to be under the influence of marijuana.
Both were taken by helicopter to UPMC Altoona for treatment.
Police found marijuana, drug paraphernalia and methamphetamine in the vehicle.
When investigators spoke to Wells, he said he didn’t want to run and that was why he was trying to get out of the vehicle when they were stopped. Maines had his mind set to run and refused to listen to him, he said.
Prior to the crash, the speedometer read 115 mph, he told police.
Wells suffered several lacerations on his right arm and the right side of his head, near his face. It was noted that he would have scars from these wounds for the rest of his life.
During an interview with police, Maines admitted he used meth and marijuana just 10 minutes before operating the vehicle. He stated he ran because he had a suspended license, was under the influence and possessed other drugs.
In this case, he also pleaded guilty to DUI, fleeing or eluding police, recklessly endangering another person, possession of drug paraphernalia and one summary.
The affidavit in the second case details how Maines was having a party on Nov. 4, 2017 that included some underage individuals that were using marijuana or drinking alcohol.
For this he pleaded guilty to corruption of minors and possession of drug paraphernalia for which he received a one- to two-year concurrent prison sentence.
Maines also received a total concurrent sentence of one- to two-years in prison for endangering the welfare of children, DUI and summaries in another case.
In a fourth case, he pleaded guilty to theft by unlawful taking for stealing a gas can in Gulich Township on April 29. For this, he was sentenced to a concurrent sentence of six months to two years in prison.
In the fifth case, he pleaded guilty to theft for stealing a 400-pound pumpkin on Oct. 26, 2017 from a Penn Township residence, and to loitering or prowling at nighttime. He was given one year of concurrent probation.