After LMIP Meeting, PA Waste Rep Leaves Press Members Info Detailing Benefits of Proposed Boggs Twp. Landfill

CLEARFIELD – After the Local Municipality Involvement Process meeting regarding PA Waste LLC’s new application for the Camp Hope Run Landfill in Boggs Township, members of the press met with representatives of the state Department of Environmental Protection and also some local officials.

However, representatives of PA Waste, who attended the meeting, did not remain to talk with the press.

As the press was leaving, it was discovered that PA Waste’s representative, attorney Steven Rovner, had left information for the press on one of the vehicles. This information included a fact sheet, pie chart and Rovner’s business card.

The fact sheet was a list of proposed benefits of the landfill:

The pie chart details the proposed breakdown of the revenues generated by these various fees.

(Photo by Wendy Brion)
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