CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County Historical Society met recently for its regular board of directors meeting.
Vice President David Wulderk called the meeting to order at the Alexander Research Center in Clearfield.
Cathy Larson, membership chair, reported the society currently has 633 members.
Genealogy committee members announced the second printing of the genealogy book, Some Genealogies and Family Records by A. Y. Straw, is now available for sale for $30.
This book, originally published in 1931, had been out of print since last year. It is again available for purchase at the CCHS research center, as well as more than 40 other publications.
The committee is also working with the county Veterans Affairs office to obtain a Revolutionary War marker for the grave of Philip Antes, who is buried in Centre Cemetery in Lawrence Township.
He was a soldier of the Revolution and has a marked grave with a tombstone, but he does not have a military flag holder.
Special committee members reported the grass at Bloody Knox has been mowed by Mayersky Landscape, and fire extinguishers have been inspected by Sneath Fire Safety.
The Clearfield County Fair Parade entry was discussed, as well. The entry will be the 100th anniversary of World War I.
This will include a 1917 Model T truck, soldiers in complete World War I uniform, World War I nurses, 48-star flag and the press announcing the U.S. entry into the war.
The society’s Web site is It’s located at 104 E. Pine St., Clearfield, and open each Thursday and Sunday from 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.