Clearfield Borough Reminds Residents about Fire Safety

CLEARFIELD – Because of recent fires in Clearfield Borough, residents were reminded about fire safety procedures during Thursday night’s Clearfield Borough Council meeting.

Fire Chief Todd Kling said smoke alarms save lives and residents should change their batteries regularly. He also noted a misconception about carbon monoxide alarms, stating people believe they work the same as a smoke alarm. However, he said they don’t.

“If there are any questions in the general public, they can contact the borough office, and I’ll help anybody get these fire alarms where they need to be,” Kling said. “Fire season is upon us, let’s just prepare ourselves and get ready.”

In addition, Borough Operations Manager Leslie Stott reminded residents not to rake leaves into the streets. She said it causes problems with the storm inlets and creates havoc with the storm water.

In other business, the borough:

approved placing a 15-minute loading and unloading parking sign on the western side of North Second Street at the Locust Street intersection. The loading and unloading parking signs located on South Second Street in front of the old Main Won and the one located on Locust Street will be removed.

approved sending Mike Mayersky and Matt Turner to PA One Call training in Altoona and Bill Beveridge and Gregg Shaffner to PA One Call training in Clarion.

reported Steve Biancuzzo and Howard Gallaher will be attending excavator class in Ridgeway Nov. 3.

approved the bids for street materials and snow removal.

approved sending the grader to Cleveland Brothers for maintenance, which is performed every two years at the cost of approximately $2,500.

approved purchasing four tires from Purcell Tire for the GMC dump truck at the cost of $1,484.88

approved paying $2,371.83 to Hoyt Plumbing for moving a storm sewer line at the Clearfield Driving Park. Stott said it was an unanticipated portion of the previous construction.

reported that Solicitor F. Cortez “Chip” Bell will be reviewing a boot ordinance for repeat offenders.

approved the bill list for payment.

reported the Girl Scouts will be collecting non-perishable food items for the food bank this Saturday.

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