Thompson Supports Bipartisan Bill to Boost Energy Production and Job Creation

Glenn 'GT' Thompson (Provided photo)WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson has voted to support H.R. 4480, the Domestic Energy and Jobs Act, a package of bills that will expand America’s domestic energy production on federal lands, streamline government regulations, and boost investment and economic growth in the energy sector.  H.R. 4088 passed the U.S. House by a vote of 248-163.

“Look no further than the Fifth District of Pennsylvania to witness the rapid economic growth that’s a direct result of energy production on private and state lands,” said Thompson. “We must utilize all of our domestic resources, including those on federal lands, and passage of the Domestic Energy and Jobs Act will help us capitalize on these job-creating opportunities.”

“The House has passed multiple domestic energy bills, including the approval of the Keystone-XL Pipeline, legislation to expand offshore production, and measures to streamline unnecessary and burdensome regulations,” Thompson added.  “These common sense measures are good for our energy security, will help bring down energy costs and boost economic recovery, and deserve the full consideration by the U.S. Senate.”

The Domestic Energy and Jobs Act is composed of five individual bills that originated in the House Natural Resources Committee, on which Rep. Thompson serves:

H.R. 2150, National Petroleum Reserve Alaska Access Act. This bill cuts through bureaucratic red tape to unlock the full potential of energy resources in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A) by ensuring that oil and natural gas are developed and transported in a timely and efficient manner.

H.R. 2752, BLM Live Internet Auctions Act.  This bill gives the Secretary of the Interior the authority to conduct Internet-based auctions for onshore leases to ensure the best return to the Federal taxpayer, reduce fraud, and secure the leasing process.

H.R. 4381, Planning for American Energy Act. This bill establishes common sense steps to create an all-of-the-above American energy plan for using federal lands to meet our Nation’s energy needs.

H.R. 4382, Providing Leasing Certainty for American Energy Act. This bill makes reforms to the leasing process for onshore oil and natural gas projects on federal land in order to eliminate unnecessary government delays and hurdles.

H.R. 4383, Streamlining Permitting of American Energy Act. This bill reforms the process for energy permitting, once a lease is in hand, to encourage the timely development of our federal onshore oil, natural gas, and renewable resources.

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