Clearfield Borough Council Upset with Status of Police Contract

CLEARFIELD – On Thursday members of Clearfield Borough Council expressed their feelings over the status of their labor agreement with their police department.

Council President Jim Leitzinger said there apparently “typographical errors” in the contract.

“I’m getting annoyed,” said Leitzinger. “This should have been done in October.”

According to Clearfield Borough Operations Manager Leslie Stott, the hold-up is between the borough’s attorney and the police officers’ union representative. Stott said that neither she nor council were shown the contract or what the typos might be. She also stated that the police officers signed off on the contract.

“We want it signed as well as they do,” said Stott.

She said that both sides, their attorney in Philadelphia, and the union representative are blaming one another for the typos.

Borough Mayor James Schell noted that when the street department negotiated their contract, the crew sat at the bargaining table with members of council. He stated there is no reason the police department cannot do the same, and said that if he’s in office when the police contract comes up again, he’ll for them to do so as well.

“There’s no reason it should take this long,” said Schell.

Currently, police officers are being paid their 2010 rate. Stott noted during the meeting that once the contract is accepted and signed, the officers will receive their “2011” rate, retroactive to Jan. 1.

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