March 14-20 Ag Week in PA

HARRISBURG – In celebration of Pennsylvania’s number one industry, Gov. Edward G. Rendell has proclaimed this week to be “Ag Week” in Pennsylvania.

“The commonwealth is proud of its rich agriculture tradition and appreciates the efforts of the more than 63,000 farm families that produce the food and fiber on which Pennsylvanians depend,” said Rendell. “Pennsylvania ranks in the top-five in the production of many foods, including mushrooms, milk, apples, cherries, Christmas trees, chickens, eggs and more.

“Buying locally produced foods, particularly those that participate in the PA Preferred branding program, provides a boost to state and local economies.”

According to Agriculture Secretary Russell C. Redding, Ag Week coincides every year with the first day of spring, which is March 20 this year.

“We celebrate Ag Week as we usher in the arrival of spring and prepare for a new growing season with a great sense of optimism,” said Redding. “One of our department’s responsibilities is to help consumers understand from where their food comes and the value of farming in Pennsylvania. Ag Week is an opportunity for us to share that message with the public.”

The Department of Agriculture is celebrating Ag Week with a number of events in south-central Pennsylvania. On March 16, Redding will visit Weaver Orchard in Morgantown, Berks County, and on Thursday, March 18, he will moderate the Farming in Perpetuity Forum at the Agricultural & Natural Resource Center in Gettysburg, Adams County.

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