Clearfield Borough Council Approves a Number of Police Chief’s Requests

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Borough Council approved recommendations from the public safety committee aimed at improving police protection and service.

Council approved purchasing a Bushmaster Patrol Rifle and upgrades to the two existing rifles at a cost of $1,133.

Council also approved sending the following police officers to training provided manpower for the schedule is sufficient:

1. David Fye to attend Incident Command training
2. Daniel Farley to attend Communication Analysis, Accident Reconstruction Officer, and Firearms Instructor training
3. Nathan Curry to attend Communication Analysis
4. James Dawes to attend Police Mountain Bike training
5. Shawn Fye to attend High Risk Patrol training
6. Vincent McGinnis to attend Firearms Instructor training

Borough council held off on approving letting Chief Jeff Rhone begin looking at specs and pricing a new car.

Susan Reed, council member, noted that with the issues facing the police department, right now might not be the best time to purchase a new car.

“It would be wise to put it on the backburner,” said Reed.

The purchase of a new car was included in the 2008 budget.

Borough council also approved allowing the Rhone to hire two part-time police officers, contingent upon them completing any requirements they might need.

One candidate for one of the positions was introduced to council Thursday night.

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