Resolution Urging Implementation of Campus Security Passes House

HARRISBURG – Amid intense debate on and passage of several components of the state’s budget proposals, a resolution introduced by Centre County state Rep. Scott Conklin that requests colleges and universities across Pennsylvania to have implement campus security alert systems was adopted by the House on Wednesday.

Conklin said he introduced this resolution as a direct result of the college campus shooting that occurred at Virginia Tech in April. He said that as the events unfolded, and during the investigation into what could have been done to reduce the tragic impacts of the shooting, it was found that a uniform and detailed alert system to make students aware of impending dangers should have been in place.

“The shooting at Virginia Tech was simply horrific and is a moment in American history that will forever be imprinted on our hearts and minds,” Conklin said. “But with most tragedies, we have an opportunity to learn from the devastation and see what could have been in place to minimize the outcome, and I am pleased my colleagues in the House agreed with my resolution.”

Conklin said that Penn State University, which is in his legislative district, already has a detailed alert system in place that offers communication of potential situations to students through a vast array of media, most importantly through text messaging and e-mail. He said that he would like Penn State to be used as a template for other colleges and universities across the state that do not yet have a system implemented.

“I represent a college community very similar to Blacksburg, Virginia, where Virginia Tech is located, and the impact of what happened hit too close to home. I was pleased to know that Penn State had a system in place, but when I found out most colleges in the state didn’t, as a lawmaker and also as a father who has a son attending Lock Haven University, I was concerned about the ‘what if’ scenario,” Conklin said. “My resolution would not impose any mandates on colleges and universities across the commonwealth to implement any program, but it is a recommendation that some sort of communication system should be available to students and faculty in cases of extreme emergencies,” Conklin said.

Conklin’s resolution also would urge colleges and universities to activate the alert system and immediately close the campus in the event of a shooting of any kind, and to alert local media within one hour of such an event.

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