Sandy Township Starts Planning for CDBG Money

DUBOIS – The Sandy Township Supervisors are anticipating receiving about $190,000 in Community Development Block Grand funds for 2007, and big plans for that money could make stormwater and street improvements and purchase a veteran transport van.

The supervisors held their first public hearing for 2007 CDBG funds Monday, and the next public hearing is scheduled for Feb. 19 at 7 p.m. in the municipal building.

The stormwater and street improvements are scheduled to take place on Overdorf Avenue, Pentz Run Avenue and Maloney Road, all sites of previous water improvements.

The van, a joint purchase with the county and DuBois City, will be used to take veterans to the VA hospital.

While exact dollar amounts the township will have at its disposal aren’t yet known, the township is being told to expect to receive an amount similar to that of fiscal year 2006, which was $190,401. Other reports are that the township will see a 2 percent decrease.

CDBG funds must be used for projects that emphasize the participation of low- to moderate income people or those who are minorities or handicapped. The funds can be used to make public improvements such as sewers or water lines, street improvements and rehabilitation of housing among other uses. In the past, Sandy Township has used the money for the West Sandy sewer replacement and extension, the West Sandy water project, water lines and water sources.

Community members are invited to attend the February meeting to comment on the plans for the CDBG funds.

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