10 Tips to Maintain Your Weight Over the Holidays

PHOENIX, (PRNewswire) — Keeping tabs on your weight during the holiday season can be a daunting challenge. Between parties, family dinners
and cookie baking, there’s plenty of temptation to abandon healthy eating and exercise.

Kronos Optimal Health Company offers these 10 tips to help maintain your weight this holiday season:

1. Take Control. Manage your appetite with vegetables and high-fiber cereals. These foods help you to feel full faster and keep blood
sugars steady.

2. Slow Down. It’s tempting to skip a meal in favor of checking off more items on your to-do list. Don’t. When you skip a meal, you are
more likely to binge the next time you eat to compensate.

3. Plan Ahead. Keep nutrient-dense snack foods on hand. Fruits, vegetables and good quality protein sources including low- or non-fat
cottage cheese and cheese sticks, eggs, sliced meat and soy nuts, are all great options.

4. Portion Wisely. Buy snacks in individual serving sizes or portion them out in small snack baggies.

5. Get Your Z’s. Adequate rest is a must. Lack of sleep can lead people to consume more sugary foods and more calories during the day.
Aim for eight hours of quality sleep each night.

6. Lighten Up. Look for ways to make healthy changes to your favorite holiday dishes. Using fat-free sour cream instead of regular sour
cream eliminates approximately 474 calories and 95 grams of fat per 16-ounce container.

7. Choose Wisely. An average holiday meal contains more than 2,000 calories. Green beans, skinless turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberries
and pumpkin are all rich in vitamins. But beware of additives such as butter, sugar or oil that add unhealthy calories and fat.

8. Think Before You Eat. Emotions run high this time of year. Don’t eat when you’re angry or upset. Emotions interfere with your ability
to make healthy choices, and can also upset your digestion.

9. Track Alcohol. Empty calories from alcoholic beverages add up quickly. Alcohol has no nutritional value, and can weaken your
willpower, leading you to eat more than you planned.

10. Keep Moving. The U.S. Surgeon General recommends a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity on most days. Enjoy a daily brisk
walk to kick-start your day or after dinner to help keep energy levels up while easing holiday stress.

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