Bucktail Monument explained Sunday

CURWENSVILLE-If you have ever had questions about Curwensville’s Bucktail Monument, you might want to circle Sunday on your calendar.

On Sunday, at 1 p.m., Tom Aaron, of the Curwensville-Pike Township Historical Society, will explain the significance of the monument and of the drawing on it of a Civil War soldier during a special presentation at the monument.

Aaron said the drawing is a reproduction of an original made during the Civil War by artist Edwin Forbes.

“Since we don’t know who the soldier is or when it was drawn, there is a controversy about where he was and what he is carrying,” Aaron said. Aaron will give his own answers to these questions during his presentation.

In addition, Sharon Aaron, will provide some insight into the ladies’ contribution to the war. The women made slippers, bandages and canned goods that were boxed and distributed to the soldiers. Reproductions of these items and of items used by the soldiers will be on display.

The program will be rescheduled in the case of rain.

Aaron also reminds people that the Curwensville-Pike Township Historical Society is now open every Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. It is located at the Korb House at 836 State St. in Curwensville.

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