JOHNSONBURG – The Ridgway-based state police have initiated an investigation into a potential vandalism incident to school busses used by the Johnsonburg Area School District after one school bus lost its rear wheels yesterday along state Route 28 in Frazer Township, Alleghany County.
The state police have treated this incident as a criminal investigation from the beginning, and the bus has been analyzed by members of its motor carrier safety assistance program and by its forensic service unit troopers. At this point, it doesn’t appear to be related to a criminal act but may be the result of a mechanical failure. And, a review of the remaining fleet of busses by the bus coordinator didn’t reveal any other problems or damages.
Additionally, previous news articles have indicated there have been several incidences of vandalism that occurred to the bus fleet at the Johnsonburg Area School District. But the Ridgway-based state police haven’t received any recent reports from the bus contractor.
The investigation is ongoing at this time.