Police responded to a disorderly person at the Wal-Mart Supercenter. Officers were able to handle the complaint without further incident.
Police responded to a reported juvenile who was throwing rocks at passing vehicles. Officers turned the juvenile over to his parents.
Police checked on the welfare of a female who appeared to be in distress in the Golden Rod area. Officers handled the situation without further incident.
Police responded to an abandoned vehicle complaint on Old Town Road.
Police reported a theft that occurred at a gas well site in O’Shanter.
Police reported retail theft that occurred on Supercenter Drive.
Police recovered a set of keys that were found; the owner may contact the station.
Police responded to a reported fight on Shaw street. Officers contacted one of the responsible parties, while the other had fled the scene.
Police reported a suspicious vehicle at the Hillsdale Community Center. Officers located the vehicle; the owner was playing basketball at the park.
Police reported low-hanging wires on Montgomery Run Road. It was determined that the wires were not a traffic hazard.
Police reported a custody issue and spoke with both parties, advising them to contact attorneys so a custody order could be obtained.
Police located two suspicious males on Industrial Park Road.