Hi All, So many efforts to support our local Food Pantry, it’s been interesting trying to keep it all straight. Below is an update of what we know so far:
1) So many great efforts going on with all the organizations, churches and businesses collecting food. I understand they already have more food than they did pre-fire.
2) Spoke with Manager Jamie Stauffer of the DuBois Lowe’s, He’s organized donations for all the big items needed by the Food Pantry to get set-up in their temporary location. He got help from Lowe’s of Clearfield, Beverage Air of Brookville, Sheetz Corporate offices, W.W. Grainger and Edsal Mfg. from Chicago. Donated items include several commercial and regular freezers, industrial shelving, heating and cooling equipment, food and access to several grant programs. Thanks Jamie for your efforts!
3) Informally, we’ve determined that there has been well over $6000 donated to the Food Pantry, including some substantial donations by downtown businesses. Thank you!
4) The family and individuals involved in the fire are getting help from various organizations, but more is needed. The family has all the clothes and toys they can handle with all the generous donations thus far. The individual adults have also got clothing and immediate needs tended to. We’ll pass along other needs of these folks as we hear about them.
5) We would encourage donations be made to the Red Cross for their local Disaster Relief fund. This fund gets depleted every time there is a local disaster. They are the first responders when it comes to initial money to help folks get set up in temporary housing, clothing, food, and immediate needs. Many other organizations including the Salvation Army also provide relief after a crisis. Please keep these organizations in mind.
I’m sure there are more details out there that you all know. Please let me know if there is something that you’d like passed on. My e-mail list includes about 200 names.
Julie Stewart, Downtown Program Manager
Downtown DuBois Revitalization Group