CLEARFIELD – Lisa Kovalick, Community Development Specialist for Clearfield County, addressed the Lawrence Township Supervisors and requested their assistance in a county project at Tuesday night’s meeting.
Kovalick explained the county’s proposal to resolve “a water service gap in the township.” Residents in the area of Glen Richey Highway and Clover Hill, Parker, Bloom and Log Cabin roads have ongoing water problems, Kovalick said. The area includes about 11 road miles, she said.
The county is investigating funding options to provide water service to the outlined area. Kovalick asked the supervisors to submit a letter to the state Department of Environmental Protection’s Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation requesting a needs assessment survey.
Supervisor Ed Brown asked if the project could be expanded to include residents on Krebs Highway, which would add another two to three miles to the project. Area residents in attendance agreed to include that section in contacting residents for signatures on their petition for public water service.
Kovalick said the Clearfield Municipal Authority has already approved availability of service to the proposed service area. It was pointed out that Penn America is another service option, depending on what the survey determines.
The supervisors agreed to write a letter to the Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation with their support of the project.
Kovalick said the county is pursuing options with the bureau initially, but have other funding options including a state Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) grant.
Greg and Lisa Turner addressed the supervisors concerning stormwater run-off damaging a private roadway, which they believe has been worsened with recent township road work. The supervisors agreed to investigate the problem.
A Hillsdale resident brought a complaint regarding neighbors parking on the street and blocking the roadway and concerns of youth loitering in the park after hours. He was advised to contact the township police to deal with these issues.
Wilson Fisher addressed the supervisors requesting approval for a planning module for a small stream discharge sewage unit for the Harry Proud Estate in Glen Richey. The supervisors approved the plan. Brown noted this would be the first such system in the township.
Under “Engineer’s Report,” Supervisor William Lawhead reported they are assisting the CMA with the sewage project in Hyde.
Solicitor James Naddeo reported the fourth draft of the proposed Junkyard Ordinance is completed. The supervisors approved for the draft to be advertised to the public. The resolution to adopt the ordinance will be brought to vote at the next meeting.
Naddeo also presented the second draft of an ordinance requiring permits to access public roadways from private roads.
As no comments were raised at the public hearing held prior to the meeting, the supervisors approved the Conditional Use Zoning request from Waroquier Coal for Martin Street/Martin Street Extension and Williams Road to mine in a Rural/Agricultural Zone, for their operation currently at Williams Road.
Lawhead reported because the township has a surplus due to the low paving bids, the municipal services representative proposed five additional streets for paving. The supervisors approved to advertise for bids for the paving of Guinea Hill Road and Center, Byer and Reighard streets and Maple Avenue.
Supervisor Glenn Johnston noted the supervisors will be able to repair the dry well at Byer and Reighard streets and grade the pavement to improve the storm water issues at that site.
The township’s newly hired Code Enforcement Officer Peirce Yost, introduced himself to those present.
In other business, the supervisors approved:
- a meeting pay rate of $25 for the Code Enforcement Officer.
- the appointment of Janelle Wallace as a junior member of the Recreational Park Board
- the payment of bills, totaling $73,895.53
- a request from CMA to clean the township’s portion of the Elizabeth Street sewer interceptor, at the township’s expense.
The supervisors adjourned to an executive session to discuss personnel and legal matters, with no re-adjournment.