Boy Scout Troop 9 recently held its troop leadership elections at winter camp at Camp Mountain Run.
The 2013 leadership positions are pictured, from left to right, Max Forcey, historian; Dominic Kovach, chaplain aide; Dayton Kelly, assistant patrol leader; Porter Kling, patrol leader; Cole Smay, patrol leader; Keagan Hess, assistant patrol leader; Kenny Starr, patrol leader; and Aaron Aycock, assistant patrol leader.
Pictured, in the back row, from left to right, are Logan Clancy, webmaster; Nathan Brubaker, Order of the Arrow rep.; Richie Shaffer, quartermaster; Dawson Lynch, scribe; Caleb Eisenhauer, assistant senior patrol leader; and Jason Bell, senior patrol leader.
Missing from picture were, Pratan Steiner, librarian; David McKenzie, troop guide; and Jacob Ryan Jr., assistant scoutmaster.
A leadership position is required for Star Life and Eagle Scout rank advancement.