CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Borough once again has an opening on council.
During its meeting Thursday evening, council officially voted to accept the resignation of Fourth Ward Council Member Courtney Mayhew.
Mayhew was appointed to council in late July to fill a seat left vacant following the resignation of Brandi Matsko.
Matsko resigned her council seat in June.
Council is currently seeking a Fourth Ward representative to council. Interested residents should submit a letter of interest to the borough office or Mayor Mason Strouse.
Interested residents are also strongly encouraged to attend an upcoming council meeting to introduce themselves.
Street Foreman Todd Kling reported that the borough crew has completed its 2024 fall cleanup, which finished earlier this week.
Council also voted to approve Kling’s previous request to replace approximately $17,000 worth of playground equipment at Upper Witmer Park.
Kling had previously explained how old equipment, namely in the rope area, had to be removed due to wear from constant use.
He made it very clear that no fault of any child or citizen was the cause of the equipment removal, just natural wear from use and that the equipment purchased will replace what has been removed for everyone’s safety.
Kling said at this point, the equipment will likely be replaced come spring.
Council also voted to permit CNB Bank to bag downtown parking meters for the upcoming holiday.
Meters will be covered beginning the evening of Wednesday, Nov. 27, and will remain covered through Sunday, Dec. 1. Parking meters will be back in use on Monday, Dec. 2.
Council also reminds residents of upcoming Christmas events in downtown Clearfield.
On Saturday, Dec. 7, the Clearfield YMCA Christmas Parade steps off at 3 p.m. Festivities will also take place in Lower Witmer Park beginning at 4:30 p.m. for the Clearfield Revitalization Corp. Community Christmas tree lighting.
Council will reconvene on Thursday, Dec. 5, at 5:30 p.m., for its next committee meeting.