CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Borough Council members again discussed changing the way members are compensated for their time.
At the committee meeting last week, council discussed the matter after former Council Member Jim Leitzinger raised the issue of council members not coming to meetings.
Currently the council members are paid $75 per month whether they attend meetings or not. Last Thursday Council Member Barbara Shaffner suggested changing to $50 per meeting attended instead of the flat rate.
Solicitor F. Cortez “Chip” Bell III reminded council that in order for the change to be made, it has to be done before the next election, and cannot take effect until council reorganizes in January, and he needs time to advertise the change to the bylaws.
The idea of compensating $100 was a bit much for some, so council President Stephanie Tarbay suggested $40 per meeting, which would be only $5 more than they receive now if they attend both meetings.
After some further discussion, council voted on a $40 base pay each month with the addition of $20 per meeting attended. The motion passed with only on dissenting vote from Council Member Steve Livergood.
Council also heard from Lisa Koval, director of the Joseph & Elizabeth Shaw Public Library, who thanked council for its yearly allocation to the library. She said that attendance at programs has increased beyond expectations and over 7,000 people have library cards.
Koval said they are currently applying for a 50-50 match grant that will allow the library to build an addition.
She said they only have room now for 25 participants in most children’s programs, and a new program room will allow for many more participants.
It will also include a family restroom, a room for nursing mothers and more storage space.
Finally, council noted multiple upcoming local events, including:
- Trick-or-Treat is scheduled for Oct. 31 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Residents participating are asked to turn their porch lights on.
- The Halloween Parade will be at the Clearfield Driving Park Oct. 24. This year’s theme is “Cartoons.” Staging begins at 6 p.m. with the parade kicking off at 7 p.m.
- The CRC Fall Festival will be Oct. 14 with the 5K Pumpkin Run to begin at 8:30 a.m.