CLEARFIELD – The Lawrence Township Supervisors handled personnel matters regarding its road crew and police force following an executive session Tuesday night.
Effective Sept. 1, Randy Walker will be full-time on the road crew at $18.99/hour and Mark Kelly will be hired as a part-time police officer at the rate per contract.
Subsequently, the supervisors voted to terminate the employment of Roadmaster Ron Woodling and pay out his pension.
Supervisor Jeremy Ruffner said the roadmaster position has been advertised and will continue to be advertised until the end of business on Monday, Aug. 8.
Individuals interested in the position are encouraged to send a letter of interest with a resume to Township Secretary/Treasurer Barb Shaffner. The salary is to be determined.
Police Chief Doug Clark reported that for the month of July, officers made 41 criminal arrests, six DUI arrests, one drug arrest, nine summary criminal arrests, eight traffic citations and 65 traffic stops.
Officers also issued 53 written warnings, attended 24 court dates, served 24 warrants and investigated 15 accidents, which all totaled 1,074 incidents for July. Officer Nathan Lash was the Patrol Officer of the Month for July.
Shaffner reported that Code Enforcement Officer Agatha Lauder asked for approval for a subscription for the Web site, Been Verified, to utilize for people and property searches. The supervisors approved the request.
Both Supervisors Randy Powell and Brian Collins reported that the storm drains on Wrigley Street have been addressed and maintained and they haven’t received any further complaints.
Last month some residents of Wrigley Street came to the township meeting to make the supervisors aware of a storm drain issue that had been going on for over a year.
The supervisors said Andrew Bloom sent a letter of interest to the township for the unexpired term on the Rec Park Board, and his appointment was approved.
Additionally, the supervisors approved payment of a Keller Engineering invoice for Kerr, Palmer and Patton Street expenses in the amount of $709.20 and to authorize Clearfield County to do a drawn down of funds from IBIS.
It was also noted that the Turnpike Avenue grant application was submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED). The total cost of the project is $915,000.
The supervisors voted to accept the 2023 MMOs for both pension plans for the police department and the general employees and to factor them into the budget. The police pension is $199,995 and the general employee pension is $33,909.
Quotes for the new Rec Park basketball hoops were researched and received, and the supervisors approved the purchase of hoops from the Sports and Recreation Associates in the amount of $8,600. The cost includes delivery and installation.
The supervisors also reported that the dog park is ready for installation of fencing, as well as to be seeded. Eventually, there will be stone laid down for the parking lot.