HARRISBURG — On Thursday, Pennsylvania’s leading voices for victims of child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault issued a stark warning:
“COVID-19 will inflict traumatic consequences and casualties far beyond those measured in the daily count outlining positive COVID-19 tests, hospitalizations and virus-related deaths.”
The warning was issued by The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV), Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR) and The Center for Children’s Justice (C4CJ).
The organizations would like to urge Pennsylvanians to be aware of the potential harm for individuals at home in isolation because of the pandemic.
According to a PCADV press release, “… Be aware of the increased danger for those trapped behind closed doors with those that commit such harm during the pandemic’s isolation.”
The release further stated: “… These individuals may not be able to safely reach out for help or find physical shelter away from the abuse.”
PCADV, PCAR and C4CJ also offer this clear and consistent message to Pennsylvanians experiencing physical and sexual violence: “You are not alone, we are here for you.”
It was noted that the mitigation strategies being enlisted to battle and beat COVID-19 are dramatically disrupting employment, children’s access to schools and early childhood environments, court proceedings to obtain protection from abuse orders or to revise custody orders and connection to both acute and preventative health care services.
According to the release, “this means mandated reporters — professionals such as doctors, teachers, etc. trained to recognize signs of abuse and required to contact authorities — are not easily in contact with victims and survivors in need of assistance in the foreseeable future.
“Isolation is a double-edge sword in the COVID-19 battle, as it will hopefully minimize the direct effect of the virus but may become an ingredient in escalated mental health incidents, reliance on substances to offset the anxiety and increased violence within families with a disproportionate effect on women, children, the elderly and persons living with a physical or intellectual disability.”
For example, researchers affiliated with UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh examined the effects of the 2008-09 recession on young children (less than 5 years of age) by examining the rates of diagnosed abusive head trauma (AHT). AHT injures a child’s brain and is the leading cause of physical child abuse deaths for young children.
Data from 23 Pennsylvania counties revealed a 240 percent increase in AHT during the recession (8.7 per 100,000 children to 20.8 per 100,000 children) for all children 5 or younger and a 130 percent increase for infants under 1 year of age (46.0 per 100,000 to 61.7 per 100,000 children).
For the children who survive this serious form of child abuse, there are extensive physical, emotional and fiscal consequences, the release stated.
“It is important to remember that victims are never to blame – people who commit acts of abuse and violence choose when, where, how and who they will harm. Under the stressful environment experienced nationally, this likelihood to commit harm increases.”
At this time, these advocacy organizations encourage everyone to keep in mind:
- Research indicates that instances of all types of family violence increase following natural disasters and other crises and when families spend more time together, like during holidays. The COVID-19 crisis will be no different.
- Domestic violence programs and rape crisis centers are considered life-sustaining businesses under the governor’s order. Those needing assistance should know that help is still available.
- Advocates are shifting practices to continue to serve survivors. This approach may include tele-counseling, remote court advocacy, and housing alternatives other than shelter and safe homes.
- Law enforcement calls will likely increase for safety concerns during this time as situations escalate within the home due to shelter-in-place guidance.
- Many individuals that experience abuse or violence do not report it to law enforcement. Many victims do not report experiences to friends or family either. While they may cite individual reasons, they all fall under the umbrella of not trusting others to respond appropriately.
- If someone discloses to you that they were assaulted or abused, be supportive, never blame the victim, direct them to their local sexual assault center, domestic violence program or contact ChildLine to report suspected child abuse.
- Be patient. Help, hope and healing are possible, but also can take time.
- Promote respect, safety and equality in your everyday actions. This can be as simple as asking a friend not to make hurtful comments or jokes, teaching kids healthy boundaries or always asking for consent with your partner in the case of avoiding sexual violence.
It’s also suggested to call on experienced and caring professionals in the local community to help:
- Contact a sexual violence center by calling 1-888-772-7227. There is also information on services available at the county levelduring the pandemic.
- Contact a domestic violence programby calling 1?800?799?7233. PCADV also has compiled a list of resources specific to COVID-19.
- Victims of domestic violence and other crimes who are not currently in crisis, but are seeking civil legal information and referrals can contact orgor 1-833-727-2335.
- For suspected child abuse, contact 1-800-932-0313 for the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS)’s ChildLine to report suspected abuse or file a report online at https://www.compass.state.pa.us/cwis/public/home.