CLEARFIELD – Under planning and community development at Clearfield Borough’s committee meeting Thursday, council members present discussed the Camp Hope Run Landfill proposed for Boggs Township and the planned appeal.
Borough Operations Manager Leslie Stott said the matter of supporting the appeal process has been voted on three times previously by other councils and she wanted to have this council on record one way or the other as well.
At the beginning of the month, it was announced that the state Department of Environmental Protection elected to grant a permit to PA Waste LLC for construction and operation of the Camp Hope Run Landfill, which has been strongly opposed by residents and municipalities in the area since the original proposal in 2006.
The Clearfield County Commissioners have led the fight against the landfill, and Clearfield Borough is one of the municipalities, which has lent vocal support to the county.
Solicitor F. Cortez “Chip” Bell added that voting to support the appeal does not obligate the borough to contribute funding towards the appeal.
Stott said the borough has opposed the landfill for several reasons, including increased truck traffic in the area, the effect on local water quality and general concern for the environment.
She said that most of the truck traffic would come from Interstate 80, along the bypass on state Route 879 and then onto Park Avenue to state Route 153 (Crooked Sewer Road).
If there would be an accident on Interstate 80, traffic would be routed along U.S. Route 322 and through parts of the borough.
After some additional discussion, the committee voted to table recommendation to support the appeal until the newest council members are able to read and catch up on the issues involved.