CLEARFIELD – Once more Lawrence Township residents will not see a tax increase for the 2020 budget.
The township has 18 mills in taxes, plus 2 mills for emergency services. One mill equals $61,440; however, it was noted that the township will not collect all the taxes owed.
Total revenue is anticipated to be $4,730,828, including taxes as well as other revenue sources, the state fund and the sanitary sewer fund.
Expenditures are anticipated to be $3,528,769.50. The supervisors approved advertising the budget prior to adoption.
The supervisors learned that the grant applications for Turnpike Avenue and Industrial Park Road were not approved. The township will be applying for dirt and gravel funding for Log Cabin Road and Lick Run.
Residents are reminded that today is the last day for leaf pick-up via the leaf truck.
The supervisors also remind residents that all flowers, except for Christmas flowers, must be removed from Crown Crest Cemetery as soon as possible and volunteers are needed to continue upkeep and remove flags from graves.