Below is a list of the candidates for Clearfield County Commissioner and links to their responses to a questionnaire for publication on GANT News.
The purpose of the questionnaire was so that voters could use candidates’ responses to gauge their views, experience and knowledge.
Each candidate was asked the same 10 questions. The questions were:
- Provide a brief professional and personal background.
- Why did you choose to run for the office of Clearfield County Commissioner?
- What do you think makes you the best candidate for Clearfield County Commissioner?
- Do you think Clearfield County is healthy and successful? If not, why?
- If elected, how would you actively build relationships with and gain the trust of citizens of Clearfield County? How would you engage citizens in the decision-making process?
- What element of the county’s government is most effective? What element is most ineffective? Why?
- How would you fight the current drug epidemic that’s created a budget crisis for Clearfield County?
- As county commissioner, what do you feel is the best way to address the overpopulation issue at the Clearfield County Jail?
- What one area of county government would receive more attention if you were elected?
- If the county received a $1 million grant to use in anyway it wanted, how would you use it? Why?
Candidates were not limited in their responses; thorough, well-thought out responses were strongly encouraged.  Please click on each candidate’s name below to view responses.