SNOW SHOE – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has announced that work to replace a bridge on Route 144 in Centre County is scheduled to start Tuesday, March 19.
The bridge spans the south fork of Beech Creek, about two miles east of Snow Shoe. The project will upgrade the status of the bridge from “fair” to “good” and will also widen the structure.
Starting Tuesday, crews will begin preliminary work, along with the setting of temporary traffic signals that will enforce an alternating traffic pattern as the bridge is replaced in a half-width configuration.
Overall work will include replacement of the bridge, roadway and approach paving, guiderail upgrades, pavement markings and miscellaneous items.
The existing bridge is 35-feet long and was built in 1925. It will be replaced with a new, pre-stressed concrete, T-beam bridge.
Average daily traffic on this section of Route 144 is almost 900 vehicles each day. PennDOT expects the new bridge to be open to traffic in mid-October.
This is the first of two structures to be replaced under one contract. The second replacement will be a box culvert on Route 144 near Gum Stump in Boggs Township.
PennDOT expects that work to take place mid-to-late June. PennDOT will issue an update prior to the start of that work.
Rylind Construction Company of Lewisbury, Pa., is the contractor for this $2.2 million job.
PennDOT reminds drivers to use caution in and around work zones, obey posted speed limits and always buckle up.
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