CLEARFIELD – November is Adoption Awareness Month and plans are under way for a foster parent recruitment and education night in Clearfield County.
The event, hosted by the Clearfield County Children Youth and Family Services, will be held Nov. 27, from 5 p.m. – 8 p.m., at Fun Central, Clearfield.
CYFS staff members, current and potential foster parents, adoptive parents and adopted children will be on hand. The purpose of the event is to find permanent, pre-adoptive homes.
As well, it’s the hope of CYFS staff that this event will raise awareness of the increasing need for foster homes that may lead to adoption.
“Increased foster homes will allow for permanency for the placed children and will assist in timely adoptions,” CYFS Resource Parent Coordinator Erin Rowles said.
“We will have past and or current foster parents at the event to provide testimonials about foster parenting as well as children who have already been adopted.”
CYFS staff will answer any questions potential foster care applicants may have during the event. For more information, contact Rowles at the CYFS office.