LANCASTER – Three police officers from Clearfield County were among more than 70 officers recently recognized statewide at the PA DUI Association’s 39th annual meeting in Lancaster.
Patrolmen Zachary Cowan and Elliott Neeper of the Lawrence Township Police Department and Trooper Brian Elensky Sr. of Troop C were local recipients of this year’s award.
The officers recognized as DUI Top Guns have shown “a demonstrated commitment to DUI enforcement,” according to the state DUI association.
Top Gun Award winners are selected by an independent panel of highway safety experts.
Entries are evaluated by a statistical method that considers several factors, including department size, total DUI arrests made by the department, hours worked by the officer and number of DUI arrests made by the officer.
Each winner received a portable breath test unit to further aid them in future DUI apprehensions.
The Pennsylvania DUI Association, a private non-profit organization dedicated to highway safety, developed the “DUI – Top Gun” Award to recognize and thank police officers for their work in reducing the threat of impaired drivers on our roadways.