Shown in the picture is the Pearce Farm that was located in Bradford Township. This farm was situated behind the area where the Super 322 Drive-In Theatre is currently located. The picture is dated circa 1890.
John L. Pearce was born in Bigler on April 9, 1849. He wrote of his daily life in a series of diaries dated 1883 through 1916. His diaries are stored in the Clearfield County Historical Society’s William Alexander Research Center.
Mr. Pearce wrote of his daily life living as a father, husband, son, farmer, Sunday school teacher, postmaster and a variety of roles. He also wrote of social, weather and current events of the day.
A few of Pearce’s excerpts are as follows:
- March 20, 1884: “Went down to float. Took team & drew 10 logs off Thomases riffle. Worked till noon. Luther 1/2 day. P. Young 1/2 day. Came home. Took harness to Trumps. Was home during evening. P. Young directed me to charge him with three bushels of corn & 123 lbs. gotten by Pearce’s girls.”
- March 25, 1884:“Helped hanging up bell all day. Amt. of rope needed – 52 feet. Undercoffler’s bill 50 cents. Was down at Young’s for grist in evening. Very clear day. Threatening rain in evening.”
- Thursday, Oct. 21, 1886: “Went to M.S. got M.N.S, went to Woodland took train, went to Clearfield. Was married at 3:15 p.m. by Rev. A. McKinley. Was at Opera in evening. Put up at Allegheny House. Weather very nice.”
- 19, 1886: “Was at Sabbath School in a.m. Wm. Hummel & wife were here for dinner. P. Young, Sofia Pearce and Mary Graham were here for supper. All went to church in the evening.”
- 7, 1887: “Was at Abs Pearce’s Sr. birthday party all day. Had a good time. Rained all day.”
- April 10, 1915: “Had quite a surprise party at our place for me. 28 were present. Had a very nice time. I will ever remember this as one of the kind acts of my neighbors.”