CLEARFIELD – A request for street paving and updates on the library topped the Clearfield Borough Council meeting Thursday night.
Lois Stiver briefly spoke to council, complementing them on the hard work to maintain the borough. She asked what would need to be done in order to have her street, Apple Street on West Side, paved.
During recent rains, a tree fell across the street and when she went out to take a picture, she took a good look at the street and realized that it was in need of repair.
She gave the council copies of pictures and asked what needed to be done to put Apple Street on the list of paving projects.
Council thanked her for taking the time to come and ask questions. Borough Manager Leslie Stott explained that it was too late to get the street on the paving list for this year, but they would certainly look into putting it on the 2019 or 2020 project lists.
Valerie Dixon and Lisa Koval spoke to council about the good things happening at the Joseph and Elizabeth Shaw Public Library. They said that the story time program is doing very well and some new things are happening as well.
One thing that has been extremely successful has been Paws for Reading. Koval explained that there are many children who, for a variety of reasons, have trouble reading out loud.
Knowing that practice helps, the library formed this program for children to come to the library on Saturdays and read out loud, one-on-one, with a non-judgmental and gentle friend.
That friend is a 120-pound therapy dog named Radar. The children read to Radar, who doesn’t care if they make mistakes or have trouble speaking, and as they progress they gain confidence.
Koval gave the example of one child who could not say his name without a stutter, and can now read confidently with little or no trouble.
Other new things happening at the library include an adult chess league, with the help of a nationally-ranked chess player from the area, two adult book clubs, a family science night and the redesign of the children’s wing with bright, bold colors and murals with favorite literary characters included.
This year’s summer reading program saw participants from age six months to adult, 322 in all, which was a significant growth for the program. Patrons have also expressed a desire for more programs with local officials such as police, firefighters, EMTs and so on.
The recent capital campaign raised about $150,000, which will come in over a five-year period. The friends program brings in about $15,000 per year and the library always welcomes additional donations from the public and local municipalities.
The council then reviewed reports and learned from Solicitor F. Cortez “Chip” Bell that the state is changing to newer building and electrical codes from 2015 and 2014. Code Enforcement Officer Larry Mack said these are more stringent than the previous codes and the change will take effect Oct. 1.
Council approved the long-anticipated animal control ordinance and agreed to have the planning commission look into an ordinance regulating methadone and suboxone clinics. Bell noted that what has worked for other communities is to adopt state regulations as ordinance, which stands up in court as far as enforcement goes.
Under public safety, council voted to approve road closures for the Halloween Parade Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. at the Driving Park and the YMCA Christmas Parade Dec. 1. Trick or Treat will be held Oct. 31 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Public works included advertising the fall clean-up schedule. This year it will run for only six weeks, ending the Friday before Thanksgiving. Curb side leaf collection is for right-of-ways and not entire yards. Yard waste can be taken by residents to the compost site.
Council also approved installing a handicap parking sign on the 100 block of West Fifth Street.