CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield school board approved the sale of two properties during a combined committee and board meeting on Monday night.
First, the board approved the sale of the Girard-Goshen property to Mature Resources Inc. for $75,000. Mature Resources is a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation.
Acting Superintendent Terry Struble was authorized to effectuate any or all documents necessary to finalize the sale of the property.
Second, the board approved the sale of the River Road property to Timothy Ryan for $55,005. The district and Ryan are expected to close on the property Tuesday.
Business Administrator Sam Maney said the district has already received a $5,000 deposit and the balance will be paid at the time of closing.
Additionally, the board approved a motion to appoint Struble as the acting superintendent for a period not to exceed 12 months, retroactive and effective July 1.
Struble will be paid a per diem total equal to his 2017-18 salary and receive comparable benefits.
During the public comment, School Resource Officer Charles Marshall was present to introduce himself to each board member and to school administrators.
Marshall said he has been an officer with the Lawrence Township Police Department for the past 19 years. So far this summer, he’s completed the following trainings:
- ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) Instruction
- Basic SRO through the National Association of School Resource Officers
Marshall said he has some “unconventional ideas” that he hopes to bring to his SRO position at the Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High and Clearfield Area Elementary Schools.
“The school is one place that I feel everyone should feel safe,” Marshall said. “(The students) are coming here to learn and to better themselves.”
Next month Marshall said he plans to take part in the five-day Right Turn Crisis Intervention training that’s being offered at Penn State DuBois.
Marshall said as the SRO, he will have an “open door policy” and the board members and school staff are welcome to offer comments and concerns.
Marshall also plans to have a “massive incident training” with local law enforcement. He said he wants local officers familiarized with the school buildings and procedures.
“Safety is my primary thing,” Marshall said. He added that he can be reached through the school district’s administrative office or Struble.