Grammy artists celebrate immigrants and invoke Statue of Liberty

Artists at the Grammy Awards weren’t going for subtlety.

Several spoke of their support for immigrants while taking jabs at President Donald Trump’s policies — without mentioning his name.

Dreamers ‘can’t be forgotten’

Singer Camila Cabello offered a tribute to Dreamers — undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children, their status currently protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

“This country was built by dreamers, for dreamers, chasing the American dream,” she said.

She recalled her and her family’s experience immigrating to the US. As she spoke on the stage, images of the Statue of Liberty shimmered behind her.

“I’m a proud Cuban-Mexican immigrant, born in eastern Havana, standing in front of you on the Grammy stage in New York City, and all I know, just like dreams, these kids can’t be forgotten and are worth fighting for,” she said before introducing U2.

Then, the famous lines from Emma Lazarus’ sonnet “The New Colossus” which is inside the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, were read: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” as the camera panned over to the statue then to U2.

U2 performs near Statue of Liberty

U2 offered a performance of “Get Out of Your Own Way” on a barge near the Statue of Liberty with a pro-immigration message. A montage of people from diverse backgrounds flashed behind them.

U2 tweeted after the performance: “Blessed are the Shithole Countries, for they gave us the American Dream,” alluding to President Donald Trump’s reportedly vulgar remark.

A shout-out from Logic

Logic, who performed his suicide prevention anthem “1-800-273-8255,” also sounded off on Trump’s immigration comment.

“To all the beautiful countries filled with culture, diversity and thousands of years of history, you are not shitholes,” he said.

Adding words of encouragement to immigrants, he also made a reference to Lazarus’ sonnet.

“On the behalf of those who fight for equality in a world that is not equal, not just and not ready for the change we are here to bring, I say unto you: Bring us your tired, your poor and any immigrant who seeks refuge. For together we can build, not just a better country, but a world that is destined to be united,” he said.

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