CLEARFIELD – During the regular meeting of Clearfield Municipal Authority yesterday, the board received some updates from Engineer Jim Balliet of Gwin, Dobson and Foreman Inc. on several issues.
Balliet said that the two contractors working on the sewage treatment facility have completed their punch-list items and, as a result, are essentially done with the work there. He said there is a two-year warranty on the work if there are any future problems.
Therefore, the authority can now submit for final payment from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority and also settle the matter of liquidated damages with Liberty Mutual.
In regards to the Pine Grove North water main extension project, Balliet said the design of the system is complete and all permits have been received.
He referred to the media event on Monday and said that the project will be put out for bids once the funding is approved. The extension will include portions of Clearfield-Glen Richey Highway, Clover Hill Road, Carbon Mine Road and Krebs Highway and includes the possibility for future expansion.
Chairman Russ Triponey said he appreciated everyone who came to the media event; however, he felt that those who were most responsible for getting the project moving were the board members, Bill Armstrong at Rep. Tommy Sankey’s office, Manager John Williams and resident Larry Dixon.
He said Dixon would talk to anyone who would listen about the issue. He also wanted to recognize Lisa Kovalick from the County Planning Office for her hard work.
Finally in the engineer’s report, Balliet said there were no discharges from the Hyde Sanitary Sewer Overflow in the past month.
He said there was a meeting with the township’s engineer earlier this month to discuss the state Department of Environmental Protection’s denial to extend the deadline for closing the SSO from Sept. 1, 2018 to Sept. 1, 2019.
Balliet included a summary of Engineer Stiffler and McGraw’s efforts to identify French drains and leaking pipe joints within the Hyde watershed.
Between April and October, 394 buildings had their sewers televised to look for flaws between the trap/vent and foundation wall and there are another 104 property videos to review.
Thirteen French drains were confirmed and 22 leaking joints and violation letters were sent. About 58 properties may have French drains and more investigation will need to be done.
Televising still needs to be done for Susquehanna Terrace, Montgomery Run area above manhole H-7 and the mobile homes in the Hyde area.