During Hurricane Harvey, the Goose Creek Memorial High School in Baytown, Texas experienced severe flooding.
“Many of the students have lost literally everything,” says Clearfield teacher Tangi Borden.
Together, the Clearfield Helping Hands and Key Clubs have adopted a ninth grade classroom.
Members are currently collecting donations to purchase school supplies, toiletries and snacks to send to Ms. Caitlin LeVine’s students in Texas.
“We are collecting donations to purchase the items Ms. Levine has requested,” Borden explained.
“With your help, the items will be purchased on Amazon Prime and shipped free directly to Goose Creek High School.”
If you are able to donate, please see a Helping Hands or Key Club member, or you can visit the district’s webpage for a pledge form.
Send forms and payment to Mrs. Zimmerman (CAJSHS Room 336) or Mrs. Borden (CAJSHS Room 320) on or before Friday, Sept. 29.
Personal notes and cards will be mailed directly from the school. Checks can be made to CAJSHS Helping Hands Club.