CLEARFIELD – Old McDonalds Farm, this year’s theme for the Summer Celebration, was held at the Knights of Columbus in Clearfield on Aug. 22-23, and it was a huge success.
The event, sponsored annually by the Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging Inc., the Centers for Active Living, Colonial Courtyard and Guardian Elder Care, went from a one-day event to a two-day event to accommodate the more than 480 attendees.
Organizers say each day was filled with fun, joy and laughter, as seniors of Clearfield dined on a home-style turkey dinner and all the fixings prepared by Shannon’s Catering and danced to the music of the Vagabonds.
The day was topped off with a costume parade and door prizes. Organizers would like to say thanks to everyone who made this event a huge success.
Programs and services of the agency are funded in part by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, the Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging Inc., Mature Resources Foundation and local and consumer contributions.