GLENDALE – Stop the Bleed is a training that teaches how to control bleeding in the case of a traumatic injury.
Thirty Glendale School District staff members took this training provided by John Bacher, MSN, RN, BSN, PHRN, NRP, representing UPMC Altoona.
Stop the Bleed is sponsored by the UPMC Trauma Care System. It was able to supply Glendale with a trauma kit valued at more than $1,000 for use at its school campus.
Traumatic injuries can occur at any time and any place. A person can bleed to death in as little as three to five minutes and arrival of first responders often takes time.
Survival of this injury depends on how rapidly the bleeding can be stopped.
For more information about this program or to contact UPMC about getting this training, contact Stopthebleedtoday@UPMC or