PITTSBURGH – The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has approved an underground injection control (UIC) well for disposal of wastewater associated with oil and natural gas production. Sammy-Mar, LLC’s Povlik No. 1 is located in Huston Township, Clearfield County.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued an underground injection control permit for Sammy-Mar’s Povlik No. 1 well on March 16, 2016, allowing the company to inject wastewater into the well pending DEP approval of a drilling permit. On May 10, 2016, Sammy-Mar submitted an application to DEP.
“DEP’s review process included a thorough evaluation of the application, plans and public feedback,” said DEP Deputy Secretary for Oil and Gas Management Scott Perry. “The department ultimately concluded that the well would comply with all regulations and include adequate safeguards.”
DEP held a public hearing on the application June 28, 2016 and an open public comment period through July 5, 2016. In addition to the permit application, DEP reviewed Erosion and Sedimentation Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management Plans, Control and Disposal Plans, the application submitted to EPA, approved EPA permit and public comments.
This permit includes the same special conditions for applied to permits approved in March for UIC wells in Elk and Indiana counties, including seismic monitoring equipment to ensure early detection of even minor seismic events.
For more information on the permit, visit DEP’s UIC webpage.