CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging Inc. and the Clearfield YMCA have teamed together to present a special walking program titled “Walk with Ease.” The program is open to seniors who are 50 years and older in Clearfield County.
Walk with Ease is designed to help ease your arthritis symptoms, reduce pain and improve your health and quality of life. The structured program has been tested and proven to provide benefits to those who complete it.
Vanessa Snyder, wellness director at the YMCA and Certified Walk with Ease instructor, has created a walking plan tailored to work with a small group of 20.
Sessions will be held at the Clearfield Riverwalk 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. on the following dates: May 2, 4, 9, 11, 18, 23, 25 and 30 June 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27 and 29.
Each person in the class will receive a Walk with Ease guidebook, which teaches you how to walk safely and comfortably and track your progress as you go, and a multi-functional pedometer.
To start on your walking adventure and journey to less pain and better quality of life, call Snyder at the YMCA at 814-765-5521. There are only 20 spaces available.
Programs and services of the Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging Inc. are funded in part by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, the Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging, Mature Resources Foundation and local and client contributions.